Maor Israel
The Baba Sali or "Praying Father," Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira zs'kl, began the Maor Israel
Yeshiva. He wanted to establish a unique yeshiva in Yerushalayim for boys from broken homes. Maor Israel is now run by his grandson, HaGaon Rabbi Busso Moshe Shlita and Rabbanit Nechama.
Maor Israel is a non-profit and non-government school that receive no financial support from the government. The school's facilities are very lacking and runs on very limited resources support them substantially through financial donations.
Maor Israel is struggling to provide all students with equal access to a good education. The school is plagued with missing or outdated textbooks, underpaid teachers and dilapidated facilities.
Education is the seed of opportunity, particularly for desperately poor children living in Eretz Israel.
Tzedakah has always been the hallmark of the Jewish people. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Schneerson, zsk'l, says about Judaism "Everything in the world belongs ultimately to HaShem. A person's possessions are entrusted to him by HKB'H, and one of the conditions of that trust is that he should give to those who are in need. We are instructed to act towards others as we would want the Creator of the World to act towards us. Just as we ask HaShem for blessings, though HaShem owes us nothing and is under no obligation, so we are bound in justice to give to those who ask, even though we are in no way in their debt. When we give freely, HaShem gives freely to us."
The late Rabbi Pinchas Peli of Jerusalem, zs'kl, told the following story to illustrate this point. In an army morning roll call, each recruit was to answer to the shout of his name. The corporal called out "Kelly," and "Here" was the response. "Armstrong." "Here." Next came Private Cohen's turn. "Cohen." Being habituated to charity appeals so often in his life, Private Cohen yelled out "Twenty-five dollars."
The Tur wrote in his introduction to the Laws of Tzedakah the following: "Never allow your mind to entertain the perverse thought, 'I can't afford to give Tzedakah to others, it will diminish what I have for myself!' Because one must never forget that his money does not belong to him in the first place – it all belongs to HaShem, Who has temporarily deposited His money with you for safekeeping. When a poor person asks for help it is as if HaShem is requesting you to pay out His money into the hand of this needy representative."
Prophet Isaiah, zsk'l, says: It is to share your bread with the hungry, and to take the wretched poor into your home; when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to ignore your own kin. (Isaiah 58:7)
When one of the Reichman brothers passed away, he left 1 billion dollars. He left two wills, directing that one be opened immediately and the second be opened at the Sh'loshim (after 30 days). Among the instructions left in the first will was a request the he be buried with a certain pair of socks that he owned. The Reichman children immediately brought the socks to the Chevra Kadisha (the group that prepares the body), requesting that their father be buried in them. Of course, the Chevra Kadisha refused, reminding the family that it is against the Halacha (Jewish law). They pleaded, explaining that their father was a very pious and learned man, and he obviously had a very good reason to make this request. The Chevra Kadisha remained firm in their refusal. The family frantically summoned the Chevra Kadisha to the Beit Din (Jewish court), where the Rabbi gently explained to them, "Although your father left that request when he was on this world, now that he's in the world of truth, he surely understands that it is in his best interests to be buried without his socks. Thus, Mr. Reichman was buried without his socks.
Thirty days later, the second will was opened, and it read; "My dear children. By now, you must have buried me without my socks. I wanted you to truly understand that a man can have 1 billion dollars, but in the end, he cannot even take along one pair of socks!
In 1981, the Tzaddik Rabbi Israel Abuchazera called his daughter Rabbanit Avigail Tichye and son-in-law, HaGaon Rabbi David Busso Shlita and commanded them to open a Yeshiva (Talmud Torah) to help children from troubled homes and strengthen them in Yiddishkeit. A year later, Rabbanit Avigail and her husband opened Maor Yisrael, naming the Yeshiva after the Tzaddik Rabbi Israel Abuchazera; in his zchut (merit), HaShem will light up the eyes of the children of Israel.
Since then, the grandchildren of the Baba Sali continue to upkeep the Yeshiva physically, financially, and spiritually. This investment is very large and the Rabbanit cooks daily for the 100 students lunch. The Yeshiva has about 20 teachers which includes: Teachers, counsellors, psychologists, and guidance counsellors. The Yeshiva also has additional afternoon learning hours so the children will not walk the streets and get into trouble. Rav HaGaon Moshe Busso Shlita, the grandson of the Baba Sali, continues to fulfill his grandfather's wishes but they need your help.
Here's is your chance to indulge in the satisfaction of giving. Donate now to support Maor Israel's response to children in need... We welcome all levels of donation, whether it's a one-time gift or a monthly donation.
Whomever donates to this worthy cause can send his name for blessings and prayers and HaRav HaGaon Moshe Busso Shlita, the grandson of the Baba Sali, will personally pray for you at the Tzion of the revered Baba Sali.

Maor Israel is a non-profit and non-government school that receive no financial support from the government. The school's facilities are very lacking and runs on very limited resources support them substantially through financial donations.
Maor Israel is struggling to provide all students with equal access to a good education. The school is plagued with missing or outdated textbooks, underpaid teachers and dilapidated facilities.
Education is the seed of opportunity, particularly for desperately poor children living in Eretz Israel.
Tzedakah has always been the hallmark of the Jewish people. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Menachem Schneerson, zsk'l, says about Judaism "Everything in the world belongs ultimately to HaShem. A person's possessions are entrusted to him by HKB'H, and one of the conditions of that trust is that he should give to those who are in need. We are instructed to act towards others as we would want the Creator of the World to act towards us. Just as we ask HaShem for blessings, though HaShem owes us nothing and is under no obligation, so we are bound in justice to give to those who ask, even though we are in no way in their debt. When we give freely, HaShem gives freely to us."
The late Rabbi Pinchas Peli of Jerusalem, zs'kl, told the following story to illustrate this point. In an army morning roll call, each recruit was to answer to the shout of his name. The corporal called out "Kelly," and "Here" was the response. "Armstrong." "Here." Next came Private Cohen's turn. "Cohen." Being habituated to charity appeals so often in his life, Private Cohen yelled out "Twenty-five dollars."
The Tur wrote in his introduction to the Laws of Tzedakah the following: "Never allow your mind to entertain the perverse thought, 'I can't afford to give Tzedakah to others, it will diminish what I have for myself!' Because one must never forget that his money does not belong to him in the first place – it all belongs to HaShem, Who has temporarily deposited His money with you for safekeeping. When a poor person asks for help it is as if HaShem is requesting you to pay out His money into the hand of this needy representative."
Prophet Isaiah, zsk'l, says: It is to share your bread with the hungry, and to take the wretched poor into your home; when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not to ignore your own kin. (Isaiah 58:7)
When one of the Reichman brothers passed away, he left 1 billion dollars. He left two wills, directing that one be opened immediately and the second be opened at the Sh'loshim (after 30 days). Among the instructions left in the first will was a request the he be buried with a certain pair of socks that he owned. The Reichman children immediately brought the socks to the Chevra Kadisha (the group that prepares the body), requesting that their father be buried in them. Of course, the Chevra Kadisha refused, reminding the family that it is against the Halacha (Jewish law). They pleaded, explaining that their father was a very pious and learned man, and he obviously had a very good reason to make this request. The Chevra Kadisha remained firm in their refusal. The family frantically summoned the Chevra Kadisha to the Beit Din (Jewish court), where the Rabbi gently explained to them, "Although your father left that request when he was on this world, now that he's in the world of truth, he surely understands that it is in his best interests to be buried without his socks. Thus, Mr. Reichman was buried without his socks.
Thirty days later, the second will was opened, and it read; "My dear children. By now, you must have buried me without my socks. I wanted you to truly understand that a man can have 1 billion dollars, but in the end, he cannot even take along one pair of socks!
In 1981, the Tzaddik Rabbi Israel Abuchazera called his daughter Rabbanit Avigail Tichye and son-in-law, HaGaon Rabbi David Busso Shlita and commanded them to open a Yeshiva (Talmud Torah) to help children from troubled homes and strengthen them in Yiddishkeit. A year later, Rabbanit Avigail and her husband opened Maor Yisrael, naming the Yeshiva after the Tzaddik Rabbi Israel Abuchazera; in his zchut (merit), HaShem will light up the eyes of the children of Israel.
Since then, the grandchildren of the Baba Sali continue to upkeep the Yeshiva physically, financially, and spiritually. This investment is very large and the Rabbanit cooks daily for the 100 students lunch. The Yeshiva has about 20 teachers which includes: Teachers, counsellors, psychologists, and guidance counsellors. The Yeshiva also has additional afternoon learning hours so the children will not walk the streets and get into trouble. Rav HaGaon Moshe Busso Shlita, the grandson of the Baba Sali, continues to fulfill his grandfather's wishes but they need your help.
Here's is your chance to indulge in the satisfaction of giving. Donate now to support Maor Israel's response to children in need... We welcome all levels of donation, whether it's a one-time gift or a monthly donation.
Whomever donates to this worthy cause can send his name for blessings and prayers and HaRav HaGaon Moshe Busso Shlita, the grandson of the Baba Sali, will personally pray for you at the Tzion of the revered Baba Sali.